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GPS Open House


Please join us for a fun and informative evening with best-selling author, Dr. Jorge Cham (PhD Comics, Elinor Wonders Why) presenting his new book "Oliver's Great Big Universe: Volcanoes are Hot!".

The presentation will be held in the Sharp Lecture Hall, located in Arms Laboratory, followed by a book signing across the hall in the Buwalda Room (see map below for directions). Event is free and welcome to all ages!

Presentation 5:00pm // Book signing 6:00pm

Please RSVP here:

Visitor parking is available in Structure #3 (see map below).

Public transit is available to campus through Metro Micro:

Arms Laboratory is located on the north side of California Blvd just east of Wilson Ave. Building can be accessed from the north side (under the arched walkway) or west side (oak tree courtyard).

Campus Map